We conserve our environment through reuse, recycling and education.
In 2016, Singapore generated more than 150,000 tonnes of textile and leather waste, but only 7% of such waste was recycled. Our aim is to provide free textile recycling services to households and organisations in Singapore and to promote awareness of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) through education, with a focus on engaging youths in schools.
Statistics retrieved from NEA Website
Did you know...
Semakau Landfill is the only landfill left in Singapore.
Textile and leather waste which is not segregated at source for recycling or reuse will be sent to the incineration plant. The incinerated waste is then transported to Semakau Landfill.
According to the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, we send about 200,000 tonnes of waste and all incinerated ash to Semakau Landfill each year. At this rate, it will run out of space by around year 2035. We need to look for more sustainable solutions to handle our waste.
Reduce: minimize waste, buy only what you need
Reuse: reuse items for different purposes or give away to continue usage
Recycle: transform discarded waste into useful product
3Rs will help to conserve landfill space and natural resources which greatly contributes towards improving the environment
This is a collection service for all who want the convenience of recycling their unwanted clothing, shoes, accessories and household linens. Greensquare will collect at your doorstep.
Collection includes:
Clean clothes
Clean and wearable paired shoes
Clean household linen (E.g. bed sheets and towels)
Accessories (E.g. belts and bags)
Recycling events in school
As a CSR initiative, we will conduct recycling events in school for free. We believe in imparting knowledge of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to the young to build the culture of recycling. In Japan and Taiwan, recycling is heavily emphasized in their education systems; planting the seeds in kindergarten helps to breed green habits.
corporate partnership
If you are representing a company looking for a textile recycling partner or CSR partnership, please Contact Us.